Bespoke Agile

Oliver Trotter is adept at multi-modal Agile, integrating training, common frameworks,  value-add leadership and personalized coaching for your Agile adoption.  

A broad, but not exhaustive list of key specializations include:

  • Product Portfolio Coaching

  • Scaled Agility Frameworks (SAFe) Implementation

  • Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) Implementation

  • Individual Role-based Coaching

  • Team Coaching

  • Leadership Coaching

  • Design Thinking Advisement

  • Technology Tools Review + Recommendation

  • Agile HR/Recruitment

  • Agile for Hardware Coaching

  • Agile for Marketing Coaching

We are 100% focused on your success, beginning Day 1 the journey of evaluating your culture- its opportunities and barriers for embracing Agility, followed by purposeful experimentation, reflection and incremental improvement. Demonstrating by example, an approach that OTI embodies Agile in its day-to-day operations.

As your partners, we strive for honesty and clarity. Our first job is to understand the client’s vision and needs, not to present our own. We value timeliness, transparent communication and working prototypes and collaborative discussions over presentations.

Over the years, we have been fortunate to collaborate with innovative and forward-focused clients on some wonderful projects and look forward to serving you!

Let’s Work Together